Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year's Eve 12/31/2012!!!!!

Hello everyone!
I hope that you all had a great Christmas!! Have a fun New Year’s Eve Tonight! We are on lockdown tonight just like we were on Halloween!
Christmas Eve was spent at the Pace’s and they had a talent show. Sister Bushman and I bought dart/nerf guns and shot Elder Browning for our talent…it went over well I think.
Christmas Day was so awesome. We went to the Wahlquist’s in the morning! Santa came to our house AND to the Wahlquist’s! He must love missionaries J It was fun spending time with their family. Then I got to skype with you guys!!! I loved that! It was so fun to see all of you and hear what is going on. We played pool for a few hours afterwards and then we went sledding as a Zone that night! SO MUCH FUN! We made a little jump and tried to see if we could make it into the river. We were pretty close.
There is this awesome man named Teva who came into the visitors’ center the other day. Sister Bushman and I and the zone leaders were all there teaching him. He was asking so many questions! I just love him. The spirit was so strong when we were teaching and he could recognize it. He said that he wants us to keep teaching him. We set a baptism date with him and are going to teach him 3 times a week. He had lunch with all four of us missionaries today! He is so fun! He goes to the YSA branch here. Oh and he is from Sri Lanka, is working on his second master’s degree (in computer programming) and has a dream to work for Microsoft. He is amazing.
So we had a car for like two days…..Elder Bishop tore his ACL and MCL last week so we are letting him use it. We should get one at the end of this week or next week. It was fun while it lasted J We decked it out with some glittery decorations and left them all in there for them….maybe they will want to give it back sooner then.
So Sister Bushman and I were cursed with the flu this week. It was AWFUL!! I don’t think either of us have ever been that sick. I was out for about two days and she was out for a week. I get cabin fever just resting so I did a lot of cleaning, studying and organizing to stay busy. Hopefully we will get to go out and work hard this week!
Pacience got baptized this past weekend! I got to give a talk on baptism for it and it went really well. She is so cute! Her Grandpa came up to baptize and confirm her. The spirit was so strong. She wore all white for the entire day. I love her!
We spoke in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. We talked about member missionary work…one of our favorite topics J
There is a man here named Cort and his wife’s name is Courtney. We call him the chicken man. He is an artist and paints chickens! Their house is bright and colorful and just plain awesome. They are both nonmembers, but Sister Williams in the 3rd ward is good friends with them and took us there to see if we could all come back for a “tour” of the artwork in their house. One of the paintings is of a woman holding a laundry basket, then he has a clothes line coming out of the painting with undies hanging from the clothes line with chickens all over them. It’s weird but cool at the same time. I’ll see if he has a website so you can look them up.

Well that is all I can think of for now!! Stay safe, warm and dry. I love all of you so so so much!

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